Thank you soooooooo much Joyce from Cheap Frills for this wonderful award. I am touched knowing that wonderful, creative, and inspiring people as such as yourself are interested in my blog. Thank you for your support and lovely comments.
So, here are the rules as I understand them:
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people may not know.
5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each.
"7 Things You Never Knew and Probably Never Even Considered Wanting To Know" about me.
1. I was born in Juarez City (Chihuahua, MX), moved to California when I was 1 1/2yrs old, then moved to Texas when I was 12 years.
2. I have owned 3 dogs in my life, Randy(Poodle), Gizmo (Pekingese), and Maggie (Shih Tzu). I guess you could say I have a thing for small, fluffy dogs. Unfortunately 2 of them died and one got stolen.( so sad)
3. When I was 15, I lived in 1/2 of a house without windows(my dad used boards to cover the window frames at night and removed them for light during the day), without floors (used carpet to lay on dirt), without running water (we had to manually pump it out of the ground and it wasn't drinkable so we had to drive to get good water at a hardware store), these were hard time my family was going through. Although it was only 2 years, it was long enough to make me appreciate what I have now, to be humble, and to be giving to others in need as much as possible.
4. I hated using our outhouse and was so embarrassed by it I never had friends over. I also slept on a couch for 2 years, I loved that couch, it was so cozy.
5. I love nature(mountains, pine trees,water streams everywhere) and so far Ruidoso, NM in one of my favorite places to get a dose of it. It is gorgeous there and only less than 3 hours away from my parents house.
6. I love the beach, but I am terrified of the ocean.
7. I started having premature grey hair (20%) at the age of 19. So L'Oreal is my BFF!
Now on to the recipients. (in no particular order)
1. Gina at the Shabby Chic Cottage
2. Miss Mustard Seed at the Mustard Seed Creations
3. Gail at My Repurposed Life
4. Angelique at Six in One Hand
5. Sachiko from Tea Rose Home
6. A Pocket full of Posies
7. Jane at Finding Fabulous
What can I say that you may not already know about these glorious women. They all posses a special gift.....talent. Whether it's creativeness, carpentry skills, designing skills, painting skills, repurposing skills, sewing skills, frugal skills, or just plain good 'ol inspiration. After all isn't inspiration the reason we started our own blog? It was for me. So these are my picks hope you can visit with everyone of them for a dose of talent and inspiration. Have a great day!
Congrats! And thanks so much for passing it along to me. I'll make a mention of it today. :)
I had my first gray hair at 18, so I know what you mean. I didn't have to color it for awhile, but that's one of the downsides to being a brunette! That must have been a hard two years, and not to sound like a cliche, but I'm sure you appreciate your life since that time more than many people could understand.
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