November 17, 2009

{102 and counting}

Words can't explain the way I feel about my blog. It all started with Rate My Space, I loved seeing how everyone was decorating their homes. I would notice how some women would say, "if you want more details visit my blog at .....", I was like,"blog?". I quickly learned what a blog was and was hooked. I have to say that My Sweet Savannah was the very first one I came across, and it was and still is breathtaking. Now I have so many favorite ones, it's crazy good!
So I have reached 102, wow! I am so ecstatic because this is the number
I wanted to reach so bad. So many times I have been tempted to have a giveaway just so that my numbers would increase, but then I would change my mind and continued to be patient. I realized that attracting followers for their genuine interest was more important to me. Does that mean I will never have a giveaway? Of course not! It will happen....very soon.
So THANK YOU to each and everyone of you, you all have touched my heart in more than one way. Thank you for encouraging me, praising me, and inspiring me!
To my little blog: thank you for making my life better and bringing out the creative side I never knew I had.


Tammy@InStitches said...

Congrats, how exciting ! I see you're at 103 now *squeals*

SkinnyMeg said...

Yay! I love your blog!

dee dee said...

Congrats! It is neat how little comments from others just lift our days! Thank you for sharing your projects, thoughts and emcouragements each week with us!
Dee Dee

Anonymous said...

A very big step! Just wait till the lure of the "2nd blog" comes a callin'....don't say surprised me too...smiles.
Love what you have done so far!!

Red Lipstick said...

So wonderful, congrats! I love your blog!

Sachiko said...

Congrats on over 100! I know exactly how you feel. Little over year ago, I learned about blogging. I thought "Nah, it's not for me". Boy, was I wrong!
You are very creative and I love your blog, Keep it up!
By the way I am a new follower>;)

Christine said...

I totally understand how you feel about discovering blogs.
Thank you for being so open. I can understand and relate to you.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Norma Lee @ Norma Lee Good said...

Congratulations! Patience pays off!

Miss Mustard Seed said...

That is so awesome, Lilia! 106 and growing... I've distressed your bread box, now, and a picture of it is going on my blog tonight. I have the quote and the font and all I need is the colors you would like it. I'll then add a glaze over the painting.

Six in One Hand said...

Dont worry about the numbers...I love your blog!!!!

And that's all that matters!!!!!

Unknown said...

yay! I actually just started my blog- so 102 seems like a big number to me!

I love your black mirror steal deal!

Whitney Black said...

Just wanted to let you know about our super holiday blog design giveaway, we have 14 giveaways and 34 winners total!

Red Lipstick said...

That's exciting! Watching your readers grow! I adore your blog!