November 17, 2009

{102 and counting}

Words can't explain the way I feel about my blog. It all started with Rate My Space, I loved seeing how everyone was decorating their homes. I would notice how some women would say, "if you want more details visit my blog at .....", I was like,"blog?". I quickly learned what a blog was and was hooked. I have to say that My Sweet Savannah was the very first one I came across, and it was and still is breathtaking. Now I have so many favorite ones, it's crazy good!
So I have reached 102, wow! I am so ecstatic because this is the number
I wanted to reach so bad. So many times I have been tempted to have a giveaway just so that my numbers would increase, but then I would change my mind and continued to be patient. I realized that attracting followers for their genuine interest was more important to me. Does that mean I will never have a giveaway? Of course not! It will happen....very soon.
So THANK YOU to each and everyone of you, you all have touched my heart in more than one way. Thank you for encouraging me, praising me, and inspiring me!
To my little blog: thank you for making my life better and bringing out the creative side I never knew I had.

November 12, 2009

{Dresser Mirror Makeover}

This is one of 2 mirrors I purchased from Goodwill about 4 months ago. I believe they belonged to a dresser once upon a time, but now they belong to mua. I did nothing fancy, just spray painted glossy black and made me a ragamuffin (thanks to The Nester) for added cuteness. I'm thinking of making the other one into a chalkboard and painting it white, what do you think?
I fell in love with the details.
Before: yucky dated brown

After: pretty glossy black

The price on these mirrors were $6 each, but it happened to be 50% off that day, oh yeah.

I am joining Miss Mustard Seed's FFF, so please go pay her a visit.
Furniture Feature Fridays
and don't forget to stop by Jane's at
Happy Friday my beautiful friends!!


November 11, 2009

Garage Sale Goodies!

This past Friday my husband surprised me by asking me if I wanted to go to garage sales. Yeah, of course I do! So I jumped out of bed and 2 minutes later I was ready! Dropped my daughter off to school and we were on our way.
I love these white pots, aren't they yummy?
Oh this huge creamy bathroom rug was a steal for only $3. Love it!

See the price? I think this would be great to start my very own terrarium. I have always wanted to make one.

This cute seagull was begging to come home with me, and for $1 dollar, it did.

I just noticed that everything I purchased is white! Anyways these 2 bird house were only $3 for both, I might change the roof color to maybe navy blue, or red.

At last my very own sander!!!! I have been wanting one for a while, $7.50 was so worth the wait.

There you have it, my wonderful finds. Thank you for visiting.

P.S. I just went to Goodwill the other day to buy a novel for a project and came home with 2 bags full of stuff! Love, love goodwill.

November 9, 2009

Project of the Day- Glass Bead Tassel

During my recent trip to Hobby Lobby, I saw the cutest girly tassel ever! I could of bought it for $12.99, but why should I if I could make it myself. I had everything I needed already so no expense had to be made!

I pulled out my ribbon, glue gun, small styrofoam ball, and my beads. I used the lid from the baby food jar as my base, and just layered the ribbon around it.

I do have to warn you that I had a heck of a time getting the beads to stay put, for every 5 I would glue on, 1 would pop off. I think glue dots would of worked better, but I didn't have any, of course.
I think a perfect touch for my daughter's room.
Do you like??

Please go visit these fabulous blogs and continue to get inspired.



P.S. Thank you for stopping by, you are so appreciated.

November 8, 2009

Clean and Repurpouse Candle jars

We all love lightning up candles, specially during the cool crisp seasons, but what happens to the glass jars after the candle has finished? If your like me, you just toss it to the recycle bin...right? Well not anymore ladies. I realized how pretty the jars are to just simply throw away. So I had to do some research (google) to find out if there was a way to clean them. I tried this method and found it easy to do.

Step 1: Take your dirty, smokey jar and remove as much wax as you can.

Step 2: Boil water in a tea kettle and let the water stand for about 10 min so that the water is not boiling hot. (I actually didn't wait for the 10 minutes and one of my jars broke, so please be careful and make sure the water is not boiling hot)

Step 3: Place a spoon inside the jar and slowly pour the hot water onto the spoon 3/4 of the way. The wax will begin to float to the top.
Take a paper towel to skim the top to gather the floating wax. Carefully remove the spoon (caution it may be hot so use a hot pad) and pour the water out. Wash with soap and warm water.

Ta Da!! Don't they look clean and pretty?

P.S. I'm sure some of you may have already known about this, but believe it or not there are plenty of women out there who don't. I was one of them , so hopefully this will be helpful information to someone.

November 3, 2009

Project of the Day-Horse Apples

I bought a gorgeous glass vase in a garage a couple weeks ago for $1 and decided today would be the day to do something pretty with it. Loving the results, now I just have to find the perfect spot.
I used a plain beige tag and antiqued it for that wonderful vintage look.

My $1 glass vase.
I used black, b&w strip, and burlap to wrap the vase.

Free horse apples, thanks to my daughter. She is part of the E-Team(Earth) and on their nature walk she saw many horse apple trees and remembered how I was looking for some. She came home very excited to tell me, I was more excited for her thoughtfulness.
So how do you display your horse apples???


November 2, 2009

Daughter's Parisian Boudoir Sneak Peak

Wow, can't believe how long it is taking me! It's one of those projects that you start with so much excitement, then slowly it becomes a pain in the rear. I haven't had solid time to finish the room, it's always in 3o minutes increments or so, once every other day. My 2 year old terror doesn't help either, as soon as I finish a nook in her room, he has rearranged(destroyed) two. So it's not possible to get things done with him in there with me. Anyways, here are a few glimpses of her room, keep in mind that they still need to be fine tuned. This is above her daybed as you can see. I am planning to go to Hobby Lobby on Monday to find that special something to add to the ledge. ( I already have something in mind, hmmm)
I love this sign(Hobby Lobby) and I plan to add a thicker ribbon to it.

Loving the banner, I want to add the word DREAM and still jazz it up a bit.

Frame+ picture+ sconce= cuteness! There is another one on the other side of the wall. The frame was gold, I bought 2 at a garage sale for $1. I added ribbon to the sconce for some drama (not that more drama is needed in this room).
My shower curtain turned cafe curtains. The lamp was a GW buy $2, the shade got a make over as well. Her jewelry box was given a face lift to match the color scheme in her room.
Well hope this will keep you coming for the big reveal soon, promise. Many thanks for stopping by.


P.S. Sorry I stayed away for a week, I didn't have Internet service because I didn't pay my bill. Why?? Because my desk was sooo messy this bill was overlooked (lost). So lesson learned, keep desk clean. That is definitely another post, however I did get some projects and cleaning done. My husband noticed how much things get done when I am not sucked in blog land, lol, but I am back baby!!!